The buttons in the picture were given to me by one of my auntie's neighbour. I actually needed to go to her house to use her industrial sewing machine, you see after breaking at least 5 needles on a bag that is in progress I gave up. Our machine is a domestic machine and just couldn't handle the pressure of sewing four layers of thick fabric. So I was on the look out for someone with an industrial sewing machine and thankfully my auntie's neighbour fitted the bill. Now it was the first time I had ever met the lady whose house I was going to and I was totally grateful for her letting me use her sewing machine, also to be honest I was relieved that the stitching involved in the bag was finished. But as my aunt told her more about the bags I made while I was sewing, she began to rummage around her little sewing area and managed to pull out a jar of buttons courtesy of Loyd Grossman. It certainly put a smile on my face...
The second tale occurs after spending a good a few hours trawling the local charity shops only to find nothing. You see there was a time when quite a few of the blogs I was reading posted about finding huge stashes of buttons for really cheap in charity shops. I had never actually thought of that and it seemed like a really good idea... so off I went to search through our local charity shops...which surprisingly is quite alot. At first I approached the project with gusto going in the charity shops and searching every shelf, after the first few I wasn't having much luck, so I just
headed straight to the counter to ask the sales assistant... the conversations went something like this:
Me(trying to be all upbeat and chirpy): hi, i was wondering if you had any buttons?
Sales Assistant (after brief pause and strange look directed towards me):buttons?!
Me: know on a coat (pointing to a button on my coat for further emphasis)
Sales Assistant: oh sorry I'm afraid we don't
Me (still trying to be upbeat and chirpy) ok thanks for your help anyway bye
One of the shops had actually had a stash a few days prior to me coming in. I was gutted I had missed them. However it was in the last shop where I met the second stranger who helped me out. I went into the shop and saw a sweet old lady sitting at the counter, she was such a darling she asked me what I needed them for and I told her I designed bags etc she said the didn't have any in the shop but she had loads at home which she would bring in for me the next day. I went out with a smile. The next day I went back in and she greeted me with a "it's the button girl", and to my surprise she pulled out a small cream cardboard box (which would have probably had a nice gift set in), that was topped of with a pink bow, and here's me expecting a plastic carrier bag :). I asked her how much and she was like oh just put some money in the box. I think I had a huge smile plastered on my face for the rest of the day.